
Internship Chapter 1

Here came the first day of my internship. Numerous butterflies started to fly in my stomach last night which made me hard to fall asleep. I cannot sleep soundly cause I was afraid that I might be late for work. The butterflies remained in my stomach till this morning.

I woke up at 8.30am when my alarm rang. My alarm ringtone is TVXQ (homin)'s summer hit, Ocean. I took a warm shower while trembling. I wore my purple shirt which was crumbled indeed. Then, I applied my new favourite product, CC cream plus BB cream on my face which turned my face radiant and glowing instantly I managed to apply a thin coat of mascara and curl my lashes before my dad got upstairs.

I ate the long-time-no-eat Mee Rebus which was bought by my dear dad. It was delicious! I tied my hair into a ponytail then before we left to the office which I am going to work for 2 months. My dad fetched me there since I had no idea where is the place.

We arrived at 10am sharp and my dad went along with me up to the office. There was only a sweet lady in the office. She gave me a file contained a stack of paper and asked me to read and understand. She said our boss would explain to me about my job when she came later. So I started to read page by page even though those documents seemed to be unreadable to me as there are many technical terms. Moreoever, they are about loan and loan is about maths. Nevertheless, I promised myself to do my best.

The sweet lady whose name is Yang got busy after we chatted together for not more than one hour while she was taking her breakfast in the office. She was very friendly and nice to me. I felt quite relaxed in the office because there were only 2 of us. Other staffs were not in the office today. Hope that I can form a good relationship with them.

My boss, Pui Pui came to the office afterwards. She looked so capable and independent. She has the image of a successful independent lady. She talked to me with her loud and clear voice, telling me not to worry as she was quite busy today but she will guide me about my job tomorrow with the presence of the computer. They also told me that I can leave earlier if there is no job for me to do. I think I shall always leave the office at 5pm cause it's my responsibility to sit in the office during the office hour.

I struggled with the unreadable stack of paper for all day long except my lunch time and toilet time. I went to eat Char Siew rice with Yang around 2pm and the sweet Char Siew made my day with a mug of hot barli. Basically, I got nothing to do today cause the computer was stolen last week and I cannot do my job without computer.

My first day of internship was rather relaxing. Hope to learn something and enjoy the process. Pray that I won't make stupid mistake and pick up new things quickly.



那天有位关注我博客的朋友以为我在博客上上传功课 引起混淆 真是非常抱歉 其实我只是因为温习功课而过于烦闷 就在这里上传了一些无聊东西

六月是考试的季节 我却无心向学 我承认没有充分利用那一个星期的念书时光 可是书我还是勉勉强强地念了 但是内容不进脑就是不进脑 还真心烦

据说二十一岁的记忆力和二十一岁前的记忆力真的有差距 难道我的头脑真的在老化中吗?
我亲爱的脑细胞 请继续为我效力 我需要你


这个假期(其实对我来说不是假期)我有个重要的任务 务必完成
大家请祝福我 看我如何化险为夷

七二零演唱会 我真心期待 大家留下美好记忆吧


Middle English

  Old English did not disappear overnight at the Norman Conquest but in the years following the Conquest, changes which had already begun to show themselves in pre-Conquest Old English continued. Norman Conquest of Britain by William, the Duke of Normandy occurred in 1066.  The conquest was followed subsequently by the introduction of new spelling conventions. Norman scribes disregarded the traditional English spelling and simply spelt the language according to what they heard it, using many conventions of Norman French. Consequently, many changes which had not been reflected in OE spelling, or which had appeared only in occasional spellings, now emerged clearly.  

  A number of new consonant symbols were introduced. A new symbol g was introduced for the stops represented by OE ʒ, and the OE symbol only retained for the fricatives. OE had used f to represent both [f] and [v] whereas ME scribes used u or v the voiced sound. Similarly, z was introduced by , though not consistently. The digraph th gradually replaced þ and ð, but ð was found up to 1300 and þ remained common until about 1400. It is to be noted that in Middle English there were separate phonemes /f/ and /v/, /s/ and /z/, and /θ/ and /ð/, where in OE there were pairs of allophones. 

  The letter y was no longer used as to represent a front rounded vowel, but was simply used as an alternative to i, so that ME king and kyng represent exactly the same pronunciation as do fir and fyr 'fire'. OE [dʒ] never occurred in word-initial position, only medially and finally. However, ME loanwords from French, like judge have [dʒ] in initial position.

  One oddity of ME spelling was the result of change of script. Norman scribes used a continental style of handwriting to replace the insular script of OE. Continental style made it difficult to tell how many strokes had been made when letters like m, n and u occurred together and hard to distinguish  between groups like un, uu and um. In such case, scribes often wrote o instead of u. Thus, we often find ME sone, comen and loue(love) for OE sunu,


CC Cream




This is a post about the latest Korean skincare product, CC Cream. I have seen beauty show talking about it and the demonstration on applying this miracle-like product moved my heart! I wish I could own it now as my skin is suffering from strong UV rays and enlarged pores.


只有小龙包 才能安抚我

It's monday again! I feel like hiding in my room and covering myself from head to toes with blanket but the quiz is coming and the assignment deadlines are coming. I got to wake up!

My laziness is at its peak now! I think I got homesick or I should refer it as bedsick. Suffering from bad sleeping quality... Oh my god! I can't focus on my studies whenever I don't sleep well. Insomnia can make things terrible. Trust me.

Finally I found my childhood favourite food in Tesco. Those cute mini paus shining in green just made my morning less sorrowful since I tried really hard to get up to class.

Let's fight for this week then I can enjoy the next week!

May will be a busy month full with assignments, activities, shopping and concert. Taste the salt and sweet and endure it, go through it and laugh till the end.

Dear me, please be tough!



说到底我就是不负责任的人 当人家日晒雨淋的在拍摄 当人家熬夜赶这赶那的时候 我总是选择躲在自己的安乐窝里埋头  活埋在自己的小世界  贪图那短暂的安逸

说起来念中文当然比念英文亲切  但我却偏偏当了英文系的学生  自己想起都觉得好笑

我很容易受环境因素影响   容易陷入要不得的负面情绪 在陌生人面前自个儿不知所措是我的拿手好戏

天啊  我到底什么时候才能离开这个鬼地方  不是天气炎热 就是断电断网络  也太让我伤脑筋了吧

孤独的我   要坚强起来

熬一熬   很快就过去啦


一年很快过去的  过不久 我就是前辈  不是菜鸟了



什么叫建议 什么叫礼貌

我就是不爱笑 那又怎样 不爱笑就代表没礼貌? 你喜欢这样想 我也阻止不了

你算老几 在那里留言 给我什么鬼建议 祝福有没有 我根本无所谓

我向来都独来独往我行我素 看我不爽就闪边去 没人叫你忍气吞声

我不爱管别人 更不爱被人管

合得来则来 合不来则散


臭嘴巴 给我滚到外太空